
Resolutions for the New Year

Viva la resolución!

The tradition of making resolutions was discovered in various parts and during different eras of the world!   


We all have seen people who are so hell-bent on completing their resolutions and so firm in their beliefs but then... after the first day of the New Year...  

It’s all back to the same ol’ same ol’!  

Just like the two-faced Roman God, Janus who represents Reflection and Resolution... not everyone reflects on their resolutions as well, ho-ho!  


Meaningful beginnings, new year’s first sunrise, clinking glasses with your loved ones, having plans of visiting holy places to mark the start of the new year...  

Everyone has something or the other to do with someone or just in the peaceful solidity of themselves!  

Isn’t this such a wonderful time of the year!?  

Christmas begins when you see the first snow of the season...  

We buy gifts for others just to see them happy...  

Every small detail feels like a big thing and the only emotion you feel is... HAPPINESS!  


So, what if you cannot complete your New Year’s resolution!?  

Let’s resolve to live a better lifestyle and always be positive and try to include ‘being happy’ in our lifestyles as well!  

Just like the medieval knights would abide by the ‘Peacock Vow’ to keep their knightly values... let’s promise ourselves a better year ahead and let’s make sure we improve ourselves as well!  

To think that we can do the same ritual as the amazingly loyal knights... I mean that’s one cool way of taking up a New Year’s Resolution!   

If one cannot keep their resolution, don't give up!   

If you keep failing, it may be an indication that your resolution is too lofty and has to be adjusted according to your needs...   

Hence, let’s go one TAALI at a time and work through our resolutions!  

  (P.S. Although not all resolutions will be fulfilled now, will they? ) 
